Pure Water Cleaning Technology


The Technology

Pure water is fed up a long carbon fiber telescopic pole that has a specialized scrubbing brush on the end. From the ground, the skilled operator uses the pure water and brush to scrub off stubborn dirt, wash the glass and frames, then rinse. Glass naturally dries by evaporation to leave a perfectly spotless finish.

Why Pure Water?

Normal tap water contains minerals added by water purification works. These minerals are added to destroy bacteria and make the water drinkable. The minerals collectively are called Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). If normal tap water is left to dry on glass, the water evaporates leaving the TDS behind as white spots and smears.

At Cape Window Cleaning, our system forces tap water through a multistage filter system by the process of reverse osmosis. This cleans and polishes the water, leaving it 100% pure and giving a TDS reading of 0 parts per million. As your windows are cleaned and rinsed with pure water, the result is crystal clean, naturally air drying glass with no streaks, stains or spots left behind.